Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thing #6

I love the reader!  It makes keeping up with information so much easier.  It is a great way to keep up with up to date technology & teaching strategies (when subscribed to those blogs).  I also subscribed to several bloggers feeds that I have found on Pinterest.  Instead of checking their blogs, it all comes to me.

As part of the stretch activity, I created a custom news feed on the NBA Finals.  Needless to say that there were numerous items that appeared each day.  However, when the finals are over those items will subside.


  1. You might want to create a link to Pinterest for those who don't know about this great tool!

  2. My daughter (who's about your age) is hooked on Pinterest and I am getting hooked too. She even made a salad using a picture from Pinterest because it was so pretty, and it even ended up being tasty too :) BTW I know your husband because we shared a room one year at MHS!

  3. I was also checking Pinterest but I do not understand the concept. Do People only share pictures?
